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Pat Lamanna

Pat Lamanna
Pat grew up in New York City and attended Camp Woodland in Phoenicia, N.Y. ( as a child, which was a strong influence on her politically and musically.  She wrote and performed songs all her adult life, though she slowed down for awhile in that department while pursuing a career as a social worker and college instructor and raising three children.  Now retired, she is devoting more time than ever to her "hobby."  Her songs have been praised highly by Pete Seeger, Peter Yarrow, David Roth, and others.  They have a strong folk influence, and cover issues such as peace, religion and the environment, and many personal topics as well.  They are carefully crafted and lyric-driven, with tunes and especially choruses (chori?) that are eminently singable.  Pat was Sonny Ochs' pick to perform in the Folk DJ Showcase at the 2012 conference of the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance.  She has two solo albums, "Full Circle" (2009) and "Do I Know My Song Well Enough to Start Singing Yet?" (2012).  Doug Finn, Station Manager at FCAT-TV, has said: "Pat's lyrics evoke common situations, but do so in a sweet and elegant way, and with a true sense of the musicality of the words themselves.  Of course, it doesn't hurt that Pat's guitar chops are tight and solid, and her voice evokes Judy Collins and Pete Seeger in one fell swoop. What a treat it is to have welcomed Pat into our studio!"