Business Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Iris Cohen, Assistant Director, Founding Officer
Fred Gillen Jr, President
Pete Tamburrini, Vice President
Susan Kane, Treasurer
Janice Rost, Secretary
Phil Dollard
Carl Knobloch
Steve Scholle
Larry Kolker
Rick Anheman
George Gierer
Ira Levin
Julia Levin
Di Morgan
Tom Morgan
Mike Rock
Elaine Romanelli
Judy Kass
Peter Shafran
Rick Rock
Barb Prisament
Call to Order: by President Fred at 7;45 pm
Previous Minutes: July 2012 Minutes reviewed; Steve motions to accept; Judy seconds; minutes accepted.
President reads TH Mission statement, and then presides as follows:
FRED’S MESSAGE to Board includes: a “shout out” to Matt Turk for all he did as President, that the Rob Morsberger show at Tarrytown Music Hall was great and a good way to end Matt’s time as president of TH. Fred confirmed that he will serve as President for one year, ending his term in July 2013 when we will need someone to step up to that position. A thanks to current and new board members, and to all for coming to first meeting. Fred spoke about the general direction of TH for the next year including that TH has more new members than ever before, and that some things have ended like our involvement with Urban H20 and that the new will emerge.
Janice, welcomes board and speaks about Administrative procedures and concerns including website membership lists and privacy and who needs to receive and/or comment, and timely response. For example, the “About TH” document which will go to Board for review and response when significant changes are made. Administrative organization and tasks have increased so there is need for an occasional “assistant”; Tom Morgan volunteers.
TH PRESENTS-SOLSTICE: We confirm presentation of a concert show; therefore, we need a date and venue. Solstice show will be Sunday, 12/9 or 16; the First Monday Gathering, our holiday party/rehearsal, on 12/3 at Lake Katonah Clubhouse. Venue first choice is Beczak; Pete will inquire; motion by Peter approved to empower committee to secure venue. Committee list is updated; Iris (Head), Rick R, Janice remain and Judy, Susan K, Rick A, Julia are added; MaryBeth off. Discussed rental-max budget and 50/50 split with venue). Tom moves (Fred, passes) that committee explores all options re payment.
FINANCES: Susan gives Treasurer’s report:
Bank Account: $4169.43.
Paypal: $38.82
$2,688.82 is earmarked as a donation to Rob Morsberger, which will leave $1,519.43.
-other period expenses were $54 for web hosting services.
Annual Meeting Summary:
Collected $430.00
Food $387.66
Portosan $275.00
Net ($232.66)
Our electronic tax return will be filed next month.
Discussion about donations followed: Fred will include solicitation request in his newsletter; “Pig” money can be used as donations; make pitch at gatherings; start a raffle at one meeting (a gathering) and continue at following meetings til end of year, then draw winner.
BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE: Discussed business meetings frequency and schedule. Frequency: Janice questions if quarterly meetings are enough to get work done; discussion includes: some members want more; Pete feels President can call meetings at any time; if committees do their work that should suffice Motion if quarterly meetings are enough tabled by president until annual meeting.
Schedule: Do we keep business meetings on 3rd Monday or stick with 2nd Monday? Fred and Janice will come up with schedule; it is made and announced - next business meetings are 1/21, 3/18, and 6/9 for annual meeting (we need to let Beczak know we need our equipment); Janice will send confirmations note and post schedule on site.
COMMITTEES: Fred explains committees and invites new board members to join and/or start committees. We retire Urban H2O and Directions; appoint Heads where needed; get reports.
WEBSITE: Fred begins: We need to look at who is an administrator and decide who needs to be; remove/add people as necessary. We need best IT and computer literate members on committee; we also need writers/bloggers.
We discussed how much Rick could step back from site administration since he is letting go of TH Executive administration. Rick will tutor committee; details about site administration and Slab Media need to written and shared with committee. Rick and Pete had been getting and answering mail to TH; this needs to better organized and automated. He suggests that the site field incoming emails according to its menu categories, then forward to designated Website committee members.
We need writers, bloggers-reviews of TH CDs; we need more press; publicity committee needs master media list. Rick suggests that artists can submit CDs for reviews and then send the reviews to TH for posting on site. TH members can review and use in their media campaigns,
Updated announcements needed for home page re Lisa Wenzel Benefit concert and Take me to the River. Iris volunteers as temporary Committee Head and Peter added as member.
PUBLICITY: Fred will head; Elaine added.
TH PRESENTS: The Board approved a new committee, suggested by George,; it will present quarterly shows like Solstice at venues. Committee is headed by George and includes Judy, Julia, Ira, Tom, Larry, Mike, and Janice.
MEMBERSHIP: Discussions: Geographic requirements for TH are Lower Hudson Valley, however it is open to all, anywhere, who chooses to remain or become a member; we already have some out-of area members. Is this committee needed since we no longer have dues? Committee remains and now includes Fundraising (“Membership/Fundraising”). Iris is Head; Peter added.
SONGBOOK: Fred says the songbook is on our website with hundreds of songs, some with lyrics and MP3s. Fred will solicit music chords from artists to complete virtual songbook; eventually there will be a published songbook.
NERFA: Our involvement in NERFA was explained to new board members. The Committee is handling planning including Friday nite as an open song circle; they will sign up people for shifts at exhibit hall table. Julia volunteered for set-up and breakdown of tables and room; Fred will list event in TH site’s calendar. Steve is added to committee.
ANNUAL MEETING: Iris reports we are in good shape for now. Tom and Di added.
ADJOURNMENT: Peter motions; Mike seconds; motion accepted.
CLOSING: President closes meeting at 9:45 pm
Iris Cohen, Assistant Director, Founding Officer
Fred Gillen Jr, President
Pete Tamburrini, Vice President
Susan Kane, Treasurer
Janice Rost, Secretary
Phil Dollard
Carl Knobloch
Steve Scholle
Larry Kolker
Rick Anheman
George Gierer
Ira Levin
Julia Levin
Di Morgan
Tom Morgan
Mike Rock
Elaine Romanelli
Judy Kass
Peter Shafran
Rick Rock
Barb Prisament
Call to Order: by President Fred at 7;45 pm
Previous Minutes: July 2012 Minutes reviewed; Steve motions to accept; Judy seconds; minutes accepted.
President reads TH Mission statement, and then presides as follows:
FRED’S MESSAGE to Board includes: a “shout out” to Matt Turk for all he did as President, that the Rob Morsberger show at Tarrytown Music Hall was great and a good way to end Matt’s time as president of TH. Fred confirmed that he will serve as President for one year, ending his term in July 2013 when we will need someone to step up to that position. A thanks to current and new board members, and to all for coming to first meeting. Fred spoke about the general direction of TH for the next year including that TH has more new members than ever before, and that some things have ended like our involvement with Urban H20 and that the new will emerge.
Janice, welcomes board and speaks about Administrative procedures and concerns including website membership lists and privacy and who needs to receive and/or comment, and timely response. For example, the “About TH” document which will go to Board for review and response when significant changes are made. Administrative organization and tasks have increased so there is need for an occasional “assistant”; Tom Morgan volunteers.
TH PRESENTS-SOLSTICE: We confirm presentation of a concert show; therefore, we need a date and venue. Solstice show will be Sunday, 12/9 or 16; the First Monday Gathering, our holiday party/rehearsal, on 12/3 at Lake Katonah Clubhouse. Venue first choice is Beczak; Pete will inquire; motion by Peter approved to empower committee to secure venue. Committee list is updated; Iris (Head), Rick R, Janice remain and Judy, Susan K, Rick A, Julia are added; MaryBeth off. Discussed rental-max budget and 50/50 split with venue). Tom moves (Fred, passes) that committee explores all options re payment.
FINANCES: Susan gives Treasurer’s report:
Bank Account: $4169.43.
Paypal: $38.82
$2,688.82 is earmarked as a donation to Rob Morsberger, which will leave $1,519.43.
-other period expenses were $54 for web hosting services.
Annual Meeting Summary:
Collected $430.00
Food $387.66
Portosan $275.00
Net ($232.66)
Our electronic tax return will be filed next month.
Discussion about donations followed: Fred will include solicitation request in his newsletter; “Pig” money can be used as donations; make pitch at gatherings; start a raffle at one meeting (a gathering) and continue at following meetings til end of year, then draw winner.
BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE: Discussed business meetings frequency and schedule. Frequency: Janice questions if quarterly meetings are enough to get work done; discussion includes: some members want more; Pete feels President can call meetings at any time; if committees do their work that should suffice Motion if quarterly meetings are enough tabled by president until annual meeting.
Schedule: Do we keep business meetings on 3rd Monday or stick with 2nd Monday? Fred and Janice will come up with schedule; it is made and announced - next business meetings are 1/21, 3/18, and 6/9 for annual meeting (we need to let Beczak know we need our equipment); Janice will send confirmations note and post schedule on site.
COMMITTEES: Fred explains committees and invites new board members to join and/or start committees. We retire Urban H2O and Directions; appoint Heads where needed; get reports.
WEBSITE: Fred begins: We need to look at who is an administrator and decide who needs to be; remove/add people as necessary. We need best IT and computer literate members on committee; we also need writers/bloggers.
We discussed how much Rick could step back from site administration since he is letting go of TH Executive administration. Rick will tutor committee; details about site administration and Slab Media need to written and shared with committee. Rick and Pete had been getting and answering mail to TH; this needs to better organized and automated. He suggests that the site field incoming emails according to its menu categories, then forward to designated Website committee members.
We need writers, bloggers-reviews of TH CDs; we need more press; publicity committee needs master media list. Rick suggests that artists can submit CDs for reviews and then send the reviews to TH for posting on site. TH members can review and use in their media campaigns,
Updated announcements needed for home page re Lisa Wenzel Benefit concert and Take me to the River. Iris volunteers as temporary Committee Head and Peter added as member.
PUBLICITY: Fred will head; Elaine added.
TH PRESENTS: The Board approved a new committee, suggested by George,; it will present quarterly shows like Solstice at venues. Committee is headed by George and includes Judy, Julia, Ira, Tom, Larry, Mike, and Janice.
MEMBERSHIP: Discussions: Geographic requirements for TH are Lower Hudson Valley, however it is open to all, anywhere, who chooses to remain or become a member; we already have some out-of area members. Is this committee needed since we no longer have dues? Committee remains and now includes Fundraising (“Membership/Fundraising”). Iris is Head; Peter added.
SONGBOOK: Fred says the songbook is on our website with hundreds of songs, some with lyrics and MP3s. Fred will solicit music chords from artists to complete virtual songbook; eventually there will be a published songbook.
NERFA: Our involvement in NERFA was explained to new board members. The Committee is handling planning including Friday nite as an open song circle; they will sign up people for shifts at exhibit hall table. Julia volunteered for set-up and breakdown of tables and room; Fred will list event in TH site’s calendar. Steve is added to committee.
ANNUAL MEETING: Iris reports we are in good shape for now. Tom and Di added.
ADJOURNMENT: Peter motions; Mike seconds; motion accepted.
CLOSING: President closes meeting at 9:45 pm