Business Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 18, 2013
Iris Cohen, Assistant Director, Founding Officer
Fred Gillen Jr, President
Pete Tamburrini, Vice President
Susan Kane, Treasurer
Rick Anheman
Tom Morgan
Di Morgan
Steve Scholle
George Gierer
Ira Levin
Julia Bordenaro-Levin
Judy Kass
Michael Rock
Rick Rock
Mary Beth Kean
Janice Rost
Barb Prisament
Phil Dollard
Carl Knobloch
Larry Kolker
Elaine Romanelli
Peter Shafran
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: 1/23/13 minutes accepted (Tom moved; Pete seconds)
Call to Order by President at 730 pm
President opens with statement about meeting format: As requested during last meeting, hands should be raised if you wish to speak and the stop watch will be enforced.
Caramoor American Roots Music Festival (6/29/13) is again partnering with Tribes Hill. Caramoor will be posted on the TH website. We are given 6 free entrance tickets which do not include evening performance. We are given a table with a TH banner; no selling is allowed at table but OK to give CDs away; can sell via Caramoors table for a percentage of sales. Iris and Pete offered to be two of the volunteers; the other four tickets are still available and should be offered to our board and TH members.
Sunplugged: 5/18/13 12 - 7 pm @ McAcron Park in Hastings.
Some performers are TH members and TH is listed on the promotional flier. Fred asks for volunteers to sell merch. Ira and Julia can take a shift.
Crafts at Lindhurst: Di reports that Laura from Crafts at Lindhurst Productions would like to have TH provide musicians for their May 3, 4, 5 event; approximately 11am - 5pm each day. Over 12,000-15,000 people are expected to attend. They will provide a stage and tables. We can take donations, run it however we prefer. Di offers to coordinate. Laura is considering a donation to TH for providing the entertainment. We would need to provide sound; the cost for sound discussed. $600-$1,000 and a tip jar for artists was suggested. Complimentary passes discussed. There is only six weeks to organize. Di and TH Presents committee will set up musicians and Di will keep us posted.
NEW OFFICERS: Fred reminded everyone that we need to elect new officers at the annual meeting. Positions are available for President, Treasurer, possibly VP and possibly Secretary (Janice willing to stay if she can delegate some of the secretarial roles to additional person(s).
Di asks if we should have a nominating committee. It was stated not necessary since the current board nominates and elects. Pete volunteers to send email to current and former board members to announce our need for new officers. Mike wants to be considered for VP and Tom for Treasurer.
Members asked what the roles entailed. The following descriptions were started but it was eventually suggested that Fred lay out the job descriptions for all to consider as follows:
• President: is the “face” of TH, heads meetings, fields incoming emails (which Rick R. currently forwards).
• Secretary: records and sends minutes, prepares notes.
• VP: organizes and monitors committees; suggestion made that the outgoing info emails could be taken over by VP (currently fielded by Eric)
• Treasurer: deals with finances
ARTS WESTCHESTER: Membership is due; these are the benefits:
• Use of meeting room
• located in downtown white plains
• use of calendars
• networking opportunities
• grant opportunities
• AW website presence and link to TH.
• Rick R mentioned it is good politics to be a maintain the membership and the organization has been historically supportive in the past
• It is a local organization; i.e. local supporting local.
• It could inspire TH to reach beyond our current output; i.e. grants. Once the AW newsletter announces a grant opportunity, a fast response is necessary. Steve offered, to receive and field the newsletter for TH and to be one of the grant writers; Judy and Rick A. also offered to write.
Iris motioned to renew membership. Tom seconds; motion passed.
Mission Statement Fred reads then proceeds with business…
FINANCES: Susan gives Treasurer Report:
Bank Balance: $2,368.64
Paypal 38.82
Up from $2,246.16
.Activity since January meeting:
$360 from February Tribes Hill presents and
$36 from March TH Gathering (song circle) at George Gierer’s.
Folk Alliance membership application and group exemption program application and were completed and submitted. It was stated that being a member of TH no longer offers the “fringe benefit” of having an automatic FA membership; only TH officers have this benefit.
MEMBERSHIP: It has come to the attention of TH that someone has “mined” email address to promote shows. CC’d emails are for business only. We are reminded not to use emails for personal emails or music blasts.
ANNUAL MEETING and PICNIC on Sunday 6/9/13:
• Invited featured performers are The Levins and George Gierer (South County)
• Attendance has been about 100; about 75 eat the food TH provides.
• They are looking for compostable utensils, plates etc.
• Rick R asked if we wanted to elect an honorary member this year; Board members asked to come up with suggestions.
• As a reminder, it is important for all board members to be at the event, as support and to volunteer for duties.
• Mike volunteered to strengthen the stage.
• We are also reminded to use the event as an opportunity to recruit TH members as well as board members. Name tags will be made so Board Members can be identified as people to help.
• Iris and Pete have offered to do sound. Extra equipment is appreciated.
• Mike volunteered to MC the day.
WEBSITE: Question as to meaning of Guest member vs. Contributing member discussed. Rick A read an excerpt from the old minutes. Rick R explains that you need clearance as a member. Contributing member means you can post on site. All artist members can get contributor status so they can post their gigs. All other contributions should be done through an Administrator. It is suggested that the automatic response be reinstated, if it is not currently happening. The web committee will continue working on these issues via email.
ADJOURNMENT: Tom moves to end meeting early due to bad weather; Susan seconds; meeting ended at 9 pm
Iris Cohen, Assistant Director, Founding Officer
Fred Gillen Jr, President
Pete Tamburrini, Vice President
Susan Kane, Treasurer
Rick Anheman
Tom Morgan
Di Morgan
Steve Scholle
George Gierer
Ira Levin
Julia Bordenaro-Levin
Judy Kass
Michael Rock
Rick Rock
Mary Beth Kean
Janice Rost
Barb Prisament
Phil Dollard
Carl Knobloch
Larry Kolker
Elaine Romanelli
Peter Shafran
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: 1/23/13 minutes accepted (Tom moved; Pete seconds)
Call to Order by President at 730 pm
President opens with statement about meeting format: As requested during last meeting, hands should be raised if you wish to speak and the stop watch will be enforced.
Caramoor American Roots Music Festival (6/29/13) is again partnering with Tribes Hill. Caramoor will be posted on the TH website. We are given 6 free entrance tickets which do not include evening performance. We are given a table with a TH banner; no selling is allowed at table but OK to give CDs away; can sell via Caramoors table for a percentage of sales. Iris and Pete offered to be two of the volunteers; the other four tickets are still available and should be offered to our board and TH members.
Sunplugged: 5/18/13 12 - 7 pm @ McAcron Park in Hastings.
Some performers are TH members and TH is listed on the promotional flier. Fred asks for volunteers to sell merch. Ira and Julia can take a shift.
Crafts at Lindhurst: Di reports that Laura from Crafts at Lindhurst Productions would like to have TH provide musicians for their May 3, 4, 5 event; approximately 11am - 5pm each day. Over 12,000-15,000 people are expected to attend. They will provide a stage and tables. We can take donations, run it however we prefer. Di offers to coordinate. Laura is considering a donation to TH for providing the entertainment. We would need to provide sound; the cost for sound discussed. $600-$1,000 and a tip jar for artists was suggested. Complimentary passes discussed. There is only six weeks to organize. Di and TH Presents committee will set up musicians and Di will keep us posted.
NEW OFFICERS: Fred reminded everyone that we need to elect new officers at the annual meeting. Positions are available for President, Treasurer, possibly VP and possibly Secretary (Janice willing to stay if she can delegate some of the secretarial roles to additional person(s).
Di asks if we should have a nominating committee. It was stated not necessary since the current board nominates and elects. Pete volunteers to send email to current and former board members to announce our need for new officers. Mike wants to be considered for VP and Tom for Treasurer.
Members asked what the roles entailed. The following descriptions were started but it was eventually suggested that Fred lay out the job descriptions for all to consider as follows:
• President: is the “face” of TH, heads meetings, fields incoming emails (which Rick R. currently forwards).
• Secretary: records and sends minutes, prepares notes.
• VP: organizes and monitors committees; suggestion made that the outgoing info emails could be taken over by VP (currently fielded by Eric)
• Treasurer: deals with finances
ARTS WESTCHESTER: Membership is due; these are the benefits:
• Use of meeting room
• located in downtown white plains
• use of calendars
• networking opportunities
• grant opportunities
• AW website presence and link to TH.
• Rick R mentioned it is good politics to be a maintain the membership and the organization has been historically supportive in the past
• It is a local organization; i.e. local supporting local.
• It could inspire TH to reach beyond our current output; i.e. grants. Once the AW newsletter announces a grant opportunity, a fast response is necessary. Steve offered, to receive and field the newsletter for TH and to be one of the grant writers; Judy and Rick A. also offered to write.
Iris motioned to renew membership. Tom seconds; motion passed.
Mission Statement Fred reads then proceeds with business…
FINANCES: Susan gives Treasurer Report:
Bank Balance: $2,368.64
Paypal 38.82
Up from $2,246.16
.Activity since January meeting:
$360 from February Tribes Hill presents and
$36 from March TH Gathering (song circle) at George Gierer’s.
Folk Alliance membership application and group exemption program application and were completed and submitted. It was stated that being a member of TH no longer offers the “fringe benefit” of having an automatic FA membership; only TH officers have this benefit.
MEMBERSHIP: It has come to the attention of TH that someone has “mined” email address to promote shows. CC’d emails are for business only. We are reminded not to use emails for personal emails or music blasts.
ANNUAL MEETING and PICNIC on Sunday 6/9/13:
• Invited featured performers are The Levins and George Gierer (South County)
• Attendance has been about 100; about 75 eat the food TH provides.
• They are looking for compostable utensils, plates etc.
• Rick R asked if we wanted to elect an honorary member this year; Board members asked to come up with suggestions.
• As a reminder, it is important for all board members to be at the event, as support and to volunteer for duties.
• Mike volunteered to strengthen the stage.
• We are also reminded to use the event as an opportunity to recruit TH members as well as board members. Name tags will be made so Board Members can be identified as people to help.
• Iris and Pete have offered to do sound. Extra equipment is appreciated.
• Mike volunteered to MC the day.
WEBSITE: Question as to meaning of Guest member vs. Contributing member discussed. Rick A read an excerpt from the old minutes. Rick R explains that you need clearance as a member. Contributing member means you can post on site. All artist members can get contributor status so they can post their gigs. All other contributions should be done through an Administrator. It is suggested that the automatic response be reinstated, if it is not currently happening. The web committee will continue working on these issues via email.
ADJOURNMENT: Tom moves to end meeting early due to bad weather; Susan seconds; meeting ended at 9 pm