Business Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 16, 2013
George Gierer, President
Mike Rock, Vice President
Tom Morgan, Treasurer
Janice Arlene Rost, Secretary/Administrative Manager
Barb Prisament
Peter Shafran
Carter Smith
Di Morgan
Iris Cohen
Pete Tamburrini
Judy Kass
Steve Scholle
Gannett Ries
Larry Kolker
Pat Taylor
Rick Rock
Julia Bordenaro Levin
Ira Levin
Susan Kane
Elaine Romanelli
Ted Berkowitz
Danny Noy
CALL TO ORDER: by President at 7:30 pm followed by reading of Mission Statement.
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: 6/9/13 minutes accepted (Peter moved; Tom seconds)
OPENING REMARKS: By Secretary… Welcome new Board Members…
Re Minutes: The minutes are on the site. The chronological sequencing has been a website problem I’ve wanted resolved; they are posted, just look for them.
Re: timing of posting: Rick R suggests post, then send out link to Board. Discussion results in agreement not to post minutes until approved at meeting (b/c they are public on site).
Re E-note correspondence/discussions: Please remember to start all notes with “TH” and use appropriate subject words; it is so very helpful for following the discussion thread and organizing/filing.
By President: commends us for annual BBQ.
FINANCES: Treasurer’s report by Tom…
Checkbook balance at end of July - $3,185.
For July through 16 September -
Income - $77, including $48 from PayPal donations and $27 from the Pig.
Expenses - $100 for sound and $189 for food for Summer Solstice. $204 for exhibit and Conference fees.
Checkbook balance at Sept 16 $2768
LYNDHURST - Di asks for volunteers for shifts at our table and sends sign in list; also to keep back fence closed; tents will be provided. She asks who will buy water for performers and volunteers; agreed that Pete will Sunday, Mike Fri. Di Sat.
Flyer – Di talks to Laura re our schedule and inform patrons to let them know we are here. George will post on F/B. Rick will send new note to membership.
COMMITTEES: George regarding his note to “think big and do something”: some did not respond and some stepped off; he reads names.
NERFA: Re: room: There is no committee. Susan Lang will have two tables in exhibition room and wants volunteers. Tom asks are there more expenses. There should be a floating committee for future; same for Falcon Ridge. TH should pay for some of room as Rick has done.
SONGBOOK: Still need to appoint committee head; if someone drops off, replace.
TH PRESENTS and GIGS: combined
GATHERINGS: Peter is head; Janice stays on
PUBLICITY: Steve off; Elaine and Barb on; Elaine has not responded, therefore removed from committee. Also should include Social Media combined. Barb asks to have ad words sent to her.
MEMBERSHIP and FUND RAISING: Committees combined
Varied Discussions: included the following…
.Why so many committees and the need for responsible committee head to be sure things happen.
.Janice and George join publicity.
- Iris does not want to be head Winter Solstice. Carter and Di joins; Carter said he would help with the musical aspect and Di with hospitality.
.Barb-create cultural partnerships like with Maggie/Caramoor, Carter/Common Ground, Take Me to the River
.Di joins Publicity
.Use QR code for sign-ups starts at Lyndhurst
.Barb thanks for all helped with Take Me to the River
.Raised over $1,000 from TH Presents at river Road House and Lyndhurst this year; use to purchase equipment? Iris says main things are power speakers and monitors estimated cost $400 each; also mics and stands. Pete and Iris will work up budget. Will need a place to store. Ask membership to fund it. Create TH wish list (tax deductible)
.WINTER SOLSTICE: Sunday 1/5; Carter secured Unitarian Fellowship, Hastings.
.GATHERING is Monday, 12/2; Peter will clear with Lake Katonah Clubhouse.
.Gannett will help getting QR code
.Rick will get TH logo to me for future use; work on new card then order 500 more.
.T-Shirts- Carter suggests contest for school kids to design a t-shirt and give $100. prize to get us more publicity
.Carter – wrote story about Matt.
.Cadence teaches kids art, Judy has connections in Sleepy Hollow.
.Motion by Peter (Gannett seconds; passes) that Publicity Committee to create T-Shirt design contest using TH logo and kindred folk program and give scholarship towards education.
.WEBSITE: Rick will send note to members about meeting
.GRANTS: Steve speaks re Arts Westchester Arts Alive grants; there are two types of grants (see Steve’s notes for more info.)
One type is for a series; needs to be something that gives back to community/public (what groups) - Is TH Presents considered a series? Maybe.
Rick suggests we need big idea that is not too difficult; one that has aftereffect. Also, need commitment and concept or cultural partner. Can submit idea for future date. Second type is Grant seeking mentors for teaching.
Rick says Westchester’s Greatest Hits was an Arts Alive grant.
Steve’s vision is to mentor young people under TH umbrella.
Judy comments a lot of work and good idea.
ADJOURNMENT: Iris motions; George seconds; motion accepted.
CLOSING: at 9:30 pm