Business Meeting Minutes
2014 Annual Meeting
Saturday, June 7, 2014
CALL TO ORDER: by President at 5:50 pm; opens with words of welcome
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: 4/28/14 minutes accepted (Tom motions, Peter seconds)
FINANCES: Treasurer’s Report as of 6/7/14 by Thomas Morgan (summarized at meeting)
Opening checkbook balance – 04/01/2014: $4811.64
Donations - $35.00
Pig - $182.00
Song Writers Workshop $70.00
(Attendees - 2 x $35)
Lyndhurst $1500.00
Total $1787.00
Song Writers Workshop $1203.64
(Artists – 2 x $165; 5 X $150;
Other expenses - $123.64)
Lyndhurst artists $575.00
Lyndhurst sound $300.00
Speakers and other equip. $1169.96
Web hosting $54.00
Porta Potty for Summer $275.00
Total $3577.60
Ending checkbook balance – 06/6/2014 $3021.04
Song Writers Workshop
Revenue $1570.00
Expenses $1203.64
Net $366.36
Revenue $1500.00
Expenses $875.00
Net $625.00
Tom thanked Steve for a successful Songwriting Workshop; also stated that this year Lyndhurst doubled our fee (negotiated by Di Morgan).
The Year in Review: Lyndhurst - a great partnership; wonderful six days in September and May with 24 artists; thanks to Di coordinating and Mike for doing Sound. Winter Solstice partners with Carter’s Common Ground had great lineup. Songwriting Workshop – TH moved out into community with this series; six graduates will perform for us today. TH Presents – profits bought (locally) four power speakers. Rick updated website.
To get our CDs out into the world, beginning today, TH is giving them away (“We’re All Here, etc). There is a trade/swap table for all. The next Gathering will be hosted by Di and Tom Morgan. Membership is increasing. TH is as good as we are, so share anything with the Board. Folk Festival – set up for9/14/14 by George and Larry; Larry is asked to speak...
Larry’s remarks: John Jay Homestead is a full partner; the first volunteers, MaryBeth, Rick R., Peter S, and Janice are busy. We have paid positions (commissions) to sell sponsorships and ad space. Musicians are announced; show features Red Molly, The Sloan Wainwright Trio, etc. This event is a way of giving back to the community; TH has given so much to you.
George recaps and announces Honorees for Lifetime Memberships to our “free group” are Ted Berkowitz, artist and John Kramer, photographer; they have been at any show we have to capture it in sketch or photo.
BOARD: Resignations: Ted Berkowitz., Carter Smith, Di Morgan, Pat Taylor, Barb Prisament.
After four years of service, Janice Rost leaves Secretary/Admin Manager position; remains on Board. MaryBeth Kean returns to this position. Scoot Horton will join board.
George moves to ratify Board; motion passes.
Iris moves to ratify Mary Beth Kean as Secretary; Pete seconds; motions passes.
ADJOURNMENT: Tom motions, MaryBeth seconds; motion accepted
CLOSING: 6:20 pm
CALL TO ORDER: by President at 5:50 pm; opens with words of welcome
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: 4/28/14 minutes accepted (Tom motions, Peter seconds)
FINANCES: Treasurer’s Report as of 6/7/14 by Thomas Morgan (summarized at meeting)
Opening checkbook balance – 04/01/2014: $4811.64
Donations - $35.00
Pig - $182.00
Song Writers Workshop $70.00
(Attendees - 2 x $35)
Lyndhurst $1500.00
Total $1787.00
Song Writers Workshop $1203.64
(Artists – 2 x $165; 5 X $150;
Other expenses - $123.64)
Lyndhurst artists $575.00
Lyndhurst sound $300.00
Speakers and other equip. $1169.96
Web hosting $54.00
Porta Potty for Summer $275.00
Total $3577.60
Ending checkbook balance – 06/6/2014 $3021.04
Song Writers Workshop
Revenue $1570.00
Expenses $1203.64
Net $366.36
Revenue $1500.00
Expenses $875.00
Net $625.00
Tom thanked Steve for a successful Songwriting Workshop; also stated that this year Lyndhurst doubled our fee (negotiated by Di Morgan).
The Year in Review: Lyndhurst - a great partnership; wonderful six days in September and May with 24 artists; thanks to Di coordinating and Mike for doing Sound. Winter Solstice partners with Carter’s Common Ground had great lineup. Songwriting Workshop – TH moved out into community with this series; six graduates will perform for us today. TH Presents – profits bought (locally) four power speakers. Rick updated website.
To get our CDs out into the world, beginning today, TH is giving them away (“We’re All Here, etc). There is a trade/swap table for all. The next Gathering will be hosted by Di and Tom Morgan. Membership is increasing. TH is as good as we are, so share anything with the Board. Folk Festival – set up for9/14/14 by George and Larry; Larry is asked to speak...
Larry’s remarks: John Jay Homestead is a full partner; the first volunteers, MaryBeth, Rick R., Peter S, and Janice are busy. We have paid positions (commissions) to sell sponsorships and ad space. Musicians are announced; show features Red Molly, The Sloan Wainwright Trio, etc. This event is a way of giving back to the community; TH has given so much to you.
George recaps and announces Honorees for Lifetime Memberships to our “free group” are Ted Berkowitz, artist and John Kramer, photographer; they have been at any show we have to capture it in sketch or photo.
BOARD: Resignations: Ted Berkowitz., Carter Smith, Di Morgan, Pat Taylor, Barb Prisament.
After four years of service, Janice Rost leaves Secretary/Admin Manager position; remains on Board. MaryBeth Kean returns to this position. Scoot Horton will join board.
George moves to ratify Board; motion passes.
Iris moves to ratify Mary Beth Kean as Secretary; Pete seconds; motions passes.
ADJOURNMENT: Tom motions, MaryBeth seconds; motion accepted
CLOSING: 6:20 pm