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Business Meeting Minutes


Tribes Hill Business Meeting 7/21/2014

Members present:
Mary Beth Kean
Susan Kane
Judy Kass
Peter Shafran
Larry Kolker
Janice Rost
Pete Tamburini
Iris Cohen
Scoot Horton
George Gierer
Steve Scholle
Ira Levin
Julia Levin
Elaine Romanelli
Tom Morgan
Mike Rock
Rick Rock

7:17 George called meeting to order. Ira seconded.
Motion made to accept minutes by Judy, seconded by Pete. Minutes accepted.
George welcomed MaryBeth back as Secretary and thanked Janice for her service. He also welcomed Scoot Horton as a new board member.

Treasurer's Report presented by Tom Morgan.
Tom requested and agreed to take from the TH account reimbursement of $598.00 for materials for the recently constructed stage. Gratitude was extended to Mike and his team for their work.
Tom noted there might be upcoming expenses for John Jay. Rick will be present at the event and able to sign checks if needed. Tom will not be present.

Tie Dye Committee was formed with George, Judy and chaired by Mary Beth. We will visit the issue of new t-shirts after we get rid of what we have. Judy and Pete S are the “new t-shirts” committee.

NERFA: Who is going? Susan, Judy, Ira, Julia, Scoot, Steve S, Pete S, Larry,  George, (Tom? not present). George and Susan suggested we do a showcase room. There was discussion regarding establishing a committee of people who are going. Will TH cover the showcase room?TH has paid for the tables in the past. We discussed some reimbursement to those who might stay in room. We must consider expected revenue in the next 6 months: Lyndhurst, John Jay. Who wants to take this on?

Arts Westchester has a new program that is similar to but not "group on". This may be a good opportunity for marketing TH. There is a meeting Wed night in White Plains. Janice will follow up. Elaine was also interested. This could be an excellent marketing tool.

John Jay Fest committee members had a recent site visit. Larry reported Iris and Pete are taking charge of stage and the Solar Punch "solar power set up" which may include some cooking. Red Molly is excited and is publicizing the event. Mike Kornfeld is editing a press release. We have posters in every metro station under glass thanks to the public parks system. We need members to find sponsors, food and craft vendors, hang posters, sell program ads. There is/will be a PDF for "sponsor application" on the website. Program deadline August 20. John Jay people are relying on us to get the word out. We are not prohibiting people from bringing food. We are not selling alcohol. We can sell water. Link to the festival on facebook. Invite all your friends. Take literature to Farmer's Markets and upcoming festivals including Falcon Ridge. Tickets are available on website. The festival page on website is being updated with content. We need volunteers. They get a free ticket not food. A few vendors have signed up. Have sold no program ads. We have some cultural partners.

The Song Writer's Series will run in September beginning with a 4 week lyric writing workshop with Ina May Wool followed by 7 or 8 week series with guest teachers. The Song Writing Series (SWS) committee was established with Janice and Elaine, chaired by Steve. Steve requested proceeds from the SWS be allocated to the series in the TH budget. George noted this has been discussed and it was agreed the series funds will not be allocated for the series in the TH budget and that we want the series to remain revenue neutral. It was additionally agreed that the board would need to vote each time to repeat the series.

Lyndhurst is Sept 12, 13, 14. Is this a conflict with John Jay? Mike is willing to do the sound. How many volunteers do we need? The general feeling is that we should pursue this event if for no other reason than for the revenue.

Next meeting is September 8, 2014.
Business Meetings for 2015: Monday January 12, April 13, and July 13;
Annual Meeting and Hootenany Saturday June 13.

Motion to adjourn by Judy, seconded by Pete T. Motion passed.

8:45 Meeting adjourned.