Business Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Members Present
Ruth Post
Bob Kresse
Janice Rost
Alan Dattner
Carl Knobloch
Mark Black
James Durst
John Geller
Fred Gillen Jr.
Lara Lombardi
Joe Cromwell
Cindy Cromwell
Diane Lombardi
Mary Beth Kean
Susan Kane
Michael Morris
Steve Kirkman
George Krzyzewski
Joe Krzyzewski
•Susan called the meeting to order. Minutes were circulated. Ruth motioned to accept the minutes. Cindy seconded. The motion was carried by vote and the minutes were accepted.
•We applauded Bob and Cindy for the dinner and encouraged everyone to contribute to the piggy bank.
•Susan K and Fred read our Mission Statement.
Agenda Items
Tribes Hill Presents committee report
Solstice Show
Diane Lombardi with The Farmer's Market
•Diane Lombardi came to introduce herself. She has received a grant to hold monthly Farmer's Markets indoor at the Westchester County Center. Her goals are to make Farmers' Markets sustainable and seamless throughout the year, to bring more people in and to raise people's awareness about the plight of farmers. She brought press cards to share with us and indicated she will have additional promotional material available in December. She has contracts with various Tribes Hill artists (see Event News, Tribes Hill Presents at the Farmers' Market on our website on the news page) who will perform at the indoor events from 11:30-2:30 for $300. She will also have chefs from the area giving cooking demonstrations at these events. She is uncertain how she will fit the musicians program and the chef's demonstrations together. We discussed this at length offering suggestions.
Tribes Hill Presents Committee Report from Chair Ruth
•The committee met last week to define what "Tribes Hill Presents" is and to put together a package of information. They came up with three different kinds of shows and gave each of these categories working titles as listed below:
1) Tribes Hill Presents: examples of this are the Solstice show and the Westchester Greatest hits show. These are larger shows we produce.
2) Tribes Hill Kindred Folk event: These are smaller events, member driven that may happen at various venues where the artists collaborate and interact. These events embody what Tribes Hill is.
3) Tribes Hill Showcase: These are events where a few Tribes Hill musicians may perform. Other artists may join them.
•The committee intends to create a package, which will include a list of Tribes Hill artist/members who are available to participate and who have been vetted.
The committee is still working on a press package, how the vetting process will work, and monetary consideration for Tribes Hill.
•Ruth contributed $22 to Tribes Hill from the Tribes Hill Kindred Folk event she recently hosted.
•Rick will approach Ann Saunders about a Tribes Hill spot on the Workshop Stage at FRFF to promote our Tribes Hill presents idea.
•Showcases have been scheduled. We still need people to sign up for the Exhibit Hall Table.
•Our budget for food is $120. We will have wine (Susan K and Rick will bring wine), coffee (Fred will try to get some donated), water, tea, veggies, fruit, cheese, chocolate, nuts, crackers, peanut butter, mustard...
•The compilation CD will ship tomorrow.
Web Site
•The Wimpy Player is designed and will be ready for posting songs soon.
Solstice Show
•We have the Golden Apple Coffeehouse on Sunday December 16.
•Invitations/call for artists have been sent to dues paying members.
•Committee will select songs. Committee should be made up of people not participating in the show. Ruth, Carl, Rick, Mary Beth, and Janice volunteered to sit on the committee.
•Tickets for the Solstice shall be $20 at the door, $15 advance, and $10 for children 12 and under. We discussed "Brown Paper Tickets" for advance sales vs. Pay pal.
•Mary Beth will prepare a flyer to be handed out at NERFA as well as flyers for the guerilla showcases.
•Rick will contact Jonathan Kruk to see if he is available to host.
•We discussed various ways to disseminate posters for the show. Carl motioned to spend $50 to set up module with Slab Media so we can download information, posters, applications, etc from the site. Ruth seconded. The motion was carried.
•James will prepare press release. Susan K will send it to the Record Review. Fred will send it to John Platt and Low Hud. Mary Beth will get an ad ready for Acoustic Live and will post the press release on the bulletin board.
•Janice knows someone to speak to at Hitachi about funding for Westchester Greatest Hits Show.
Cindy motioned to adjourn, Janice seconded.
9:15 Meeting adjourned
Ruth Post
Bob Kresse
Janice Rost
Alan Dattner
Carl Knobloch
Mark Black
James Durst
John Geller
Fred Gillen Jr.
Lara Lombardi
Joe Cromwell
Cindy Cromwell
Diane Lombardi
Mary Beth Kean
Susan Kane
Michael Morris
Steve Kirkman
George Krzyzewski
Joe Krzyzewski
•Susan called the meeting to order. Minutes were circulated. Ruth motioned to accept the minutes. Cindy seconded. The motion was carried by vote and the minutes were accepted.
•We applauded Bob and Cindy for the dinner and encouraged everyone to contribute to the piggy bank.
•Susan K and Fred read our Mission Statement.
Agenda Items
Tribes Hill Presents committee report
Solstice Show
Diane Lombardi with The Farmer's Market
•Diane Lombardi came to introduce herself. She has received a grant to hold monthly Farmer's Markets indoor at the Westchester County Center. Her goals are to make Farmers' Markets sustainable and seamless throughout the year, to bring more people in and to raise people's awareness about the plight of farmers. She brought press cards to share with us and indicated she will have additional promotional material available in December. She has contracts with various Tribes Hill artists (see Event News, Tribes Hill Presents at the Farmers' Market on our website on the news page) who will perform at the indoor events from 11:30-2:30 for $300. She will also have chefs from the area giving cooking demonstrations at these events. She is uncertain how she will fit the musicians program and the chef's demonstrations together. We discussed this at length offering suggestions.
Tribes Hill Presents Committee Report from Chair Ruth
•The committee met last week to define what "Tribes Hill Presents" is and to put together a package of information. They came up with three different kinds of shows and gave each of these categories working titles as listed below:
1) Tribes Hill Presents: examples of this are the Solstice show and the Westchester Greatest hits show. These are larger shows we produce.
2) Tribes Hill Kindred Folk event: These are smaller events, member driven that may happen at various venues where the artists collaborate and interact. These events embody what Tribes Hill is.
3) Tribes Hill Showcase: These are events where a few Tribes Hill musicians may perform. Other artists may join them.
•The committee intends to create a package, which will include a list of Tribes Hill artist/members who are available to participate and who have been vetted.
The committee is still working on a press package, how the vetting process will work, and monetary consideration for Tribes Hill.
•Ruth contributed $22 to Tribes Hill from the Tribes Hill Kindred Folk event she recently hosted.
•Rick will approach Ann Saunders about a Tribes Hill spot on the Workshop Stage at FRFF to promote our Tribes Hill presents idea.
•Showcases have been scheduled. We still need people to sign up for the Exhibit Hall Table.
•Our budget for food is $120. We will have wine (Susan K and Rick will bring wine), coffee (Fred will try to get some donated), water, tea, veggies, fruit, cheese, chocolate, nuts, crackers, peanut butter, mustard...
•The compilation CD will ship tomorrow.
Web Site
•The Wimpy Player is designed and will be ready for posting songs soon.
Solstice Show
•We have the Golden Apple Coffeehouse on Sunday December 16.
•Invitations/call for artists have been sent to dues paying members.
•Committee will select songs. Committee should be made up of people not participating in the show. Ruth, Carl, Rick, Mary Beth, and Janice volunteered to sit on the committee.
•Tickets for the Solstice shall be $20 at the door, $15 advance, and $10 for children 12 and under. We discussed "Brown Paper Tickets" for advance sales vs. Pay pal.
•Mary Beth will prepare a flyer to be handed out at NERFA as well as flyers for the guerilla showcases.
•Rick will contact Jonathan Kruk to see if he is available to host.
•We discussed various ways to disseminate posters for the show. Carl motioned to spend $50 to set up module with Slab Media so we can download information, posters, applications, etc from the site. Ruth seconded. The motion was carried.
•James will prepare press release. Susan K will send it to the Record Review. Fred will send it to John Platt and Low Hud. Mary Beth will get an ad ready for Acoustic Live and will post the press release on the bulletin board.
•Janice knows someone to speak to at Hitachi about funding for Westchester Greatest Hits Show.
Cindy motioned to adjourn, Janice seconded.
9:15 Meeting adjourned