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Business Meeting Minutes

2007 Annual Meeting

6/9/07 Annual Meeting Minutes

James called the meeting to order by introducing himself as President and welcoming all. He reminded those present in the interest of clarity that it is the expectation that everyone who attends pays either $15 or $25.

He reported that we have 16 new members today and 27 renewing members

He gave a synopsis of the agenda for the Annual Meeting.
We will be voting on proposed changes to the by-laws.
Our Treasurer Madhumita Chakrabartti will give a Treasurers Report.
We will vote on board members.
The new board will select officers
James will give a treasurers report.

By-Law Changes
James told the general membership that the board recommends affirmation of the suggested revisions.
Lara motioned to accept. Elza seconded. General membership unanimously voted to accept changes. Changes accepted.

Treasurers Report
The 2006, 2007 fiscal year ends June 30. This is the first fiscal year we solicited dues from members. We had 67 members last year: 66 individual or family memberships and 1 honorary member. We collected $1090. in membership dues and $410 in contributions. Our balance mid may was $920. Our expenditures were in line with our income. This past year we invested in website upgrades, lights, equipment, and a brochure.

Looking ahead: We plan to increase membership by 100%. We project $2100 in dues for the coming year.
We project from cd sales, ticket sales, and contributions of $1500.
We expect a $1000 contribution into our Music To Libraries Fund.
We plan to break even next year.

James asked for a motion to accept the treasurers report. Ruth motioned, Carl seconded. By unanimous vote the treasurers report was accepted.

Board Elections
James explained to new members that board members need to be available to attend meetings fairly regularly. He invited those interested in remaining on the board to come up onto the stage.
The following people came to the stage:
Fred Gillen Jr.
Iris Cohen
Ruth Post
Mike Morris
Bill Wisnowski
Susan Kane
Carl Knobloch
Madhumita Chakrabarrti
James Durst
Mary Beth Kean
Lara Herskovitch
Steve Kirkman
(Matt Turk was not present)

James invited anyone else interested in holding a seat on the Board to come to the stage.
The following people came to the stage:
Janice Rost
Cindy Cromwell
Joe Cromwell
Jeff (?)

James introduced each person to the general membership. He indicated current officers.
James asked for a vote by acclamation from membership to elect to the board everyone on stage. Unanimously accepted by show of hands.

James asked if there was any new business. No new business brought up.

Presidents Report
This year we established a new dues structure and we more firmly established not-for-profit status. We are working on our 501 (c) (3). Currently we are under Folk Alliance's Umbrella.

After another successful Winter Solstice Show we discussed producing 2 shows this year. We reached out to festivals in Kerrville TX, Virginia, and Memphis TN. Alot of folks are winning accolades at Folk Festivals. James congratulated Anthony da Costa and Marc Black for their recent successes. James encouraged members to share news of their accomplishments with us. We proposed a beautifully conceived Grant Proposal whose time had not yet come. Our Library fund grew from this experience.
These are just a few highlights of the year.
We could not, would not be here with out the patience, courage, and vision of Rick Rock.

James asked if there was any further business.
Susan Lang motioned to adjourn. Anthony seconded. All agreed.
5:54 meeting adjorned.

Board Meeting MinutesJames called the meeting to order.
The following Board members expressed interest in holding the following offices:
Susan Kane President
Bill Wisnowski Vice President
Madhumita Chakrabarrti Treasurer
Mary Beth Kean Secretary

James asked if anyone would like to contest any of these positions? No one came forward.

Iris motioned to accept these candidates to these positions. Lara seconded. All agreed.

James introduced the new officers to the membership.