Business Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 11, 2008
Members Present
Mary Beth Kean
Ruth Post
Susan Kane
Bill Wisnowski
Matt Turk
Mike Morris
Joe Cromwell
Barb Prisament
Cindy Cromwell
Janice Rost
Rick Rock
Madhumita Chakrabartti
James Durst
Fred Gillen Jr.
Steve Kirkman
Carl Knobloch
Robin Halpin
Andrew Craig
Susan called the meeting to order. James moved to accept minutes. Ruth seconded. Motion carried.
•Susan reminded everyone to "feed the pig" and everyone applauded the meal.
•Ruth presented a new idea in the form of a two-part motion (part one) that each year at the annual meeting we honor someone from the community who embodies the spirit of Tribes Hill with an honorary lifetime membership as we did several years ago with Pete Seeger. And (part two) she suggested John Platt for this year.
•A discussion followed. It was suggested that it might not be every year or that some years we may want to honor more than one person. It was suggested we take time to think about additional nominees. Others asserted that more of the membership should be able to participate in the process rather than deciding at the meeting where few members are present. It was suggested we could ask members at the annual meeting to think about suggestions for next year.
•James seconded the first part of the motion.
•Susan read the Mission Statement then called for a vote on part one. Motion was carried unanimously.
•Carl seconded the second part of the motion. Additional discussion followed.
It was suggested that a committee be formed to establish a protocol. It was suggested that perhaps the "protocol" is as spontaneous as it has been with our award to Pete and this suggested award to John Platt. It was asked if there is anyone else we might consider for this year other than John Platt.
Toshi Reagan was suggested. Rick asserted that he felt who ever we honor should be someone who has had direct contact with Tribes Hill.
•The vote was called. The motion carried unanimously.
•Brief discussion followed regarding a suggested gift packet to include a t-shirt, compilation CD, perhaps a certificate.
•Susan will contact John Platt to invite him to the event and let him know of our intention to honor him with a lifetime membership.
Treasurer's Report from Madhumita
Our balance from our last bank statement was $1700. Since then we have deposited grant money ($2000) and petty cash (~$300) and we have written checks for Slab Media and a down payment to secure the Tarrytown Music Hall for the Westchester's Greatest Hits show and the Solstice show.
Annual meeting Committee Report from Carl
•Andy Craig will take on the responsibility of Grounds Team Leader because Fred will be away on tour.
•Carl asked to be kept apprised of the need for new parts for the tent.
•Iris will be in charge of Stage and Sound. She has sound people. Carl questioned whether or not she would need additional volunteers for stage management and open mic. A brief discussion followed and all agreed her attention should be on sound and that she would need to find someone to emcee the open mic and manage the stage.
•Volunteer positions to be filled will be posted on the web site and an email will be sent out this week.
Clearwater report from Bill
•There was not enough lead-time to get anything set up for this year. Bill will be volunteering this year and he will make a point to begin the process to set up something for next year.
Westchester's Greatest Hits report from Rick
•We have received the grant money and the contracts from Tarrytown Music Hall. The show will begin at 3:00pm. Ruth is working on an advertising/sponsorship letter, which may also be used as a Press Release. An invitation for submissions from our member artists will go out soon. Gandalf and Sloan will headline. They will each do one original song and one cover. Other participating artists will be invited to do a cover only. We intend to sell ads and have a benefactor page. Ruth asked everyone to begin thinking about organizations the committee (once established) can approach for either of these 2 categories.
Tribes Hill Presents report by Ruth
•Three categories of shows were defined by the committee they are
1) Tribes Hill Production-"Tribes Hill Presents" These concerts are created and produced by Tribes Hill and are intended to further and be in the spirit of the Tribes Hill Mission Statement. Our annual solstice concert would be an example.
2) Tribes Hill Kindred Folk Concerts encourage/require artists working together in a collaborative effort. These types of concerts are also intended to further and be in the spirit of the Tribes Hill Mission Statement.
3) Tribes Hill Artist Showcases are performance opportunities for Tribes Hill artists that don't necessarily require any collaboration, but utilize Tribes Hill resources.
•Ruth suggested that at this time financial arrangements remain fluid and be considered on a case-by-case basis. She also suggested we create a kit with information that could provide support for anyone trying to produce any one of the three different kinds of events. The following for instance may be included;
sample press release, sample contract, sample Flyers/Posters, email lists, venue contact information, available sound techs, insurance information, refreshment suggestions, list of members willing to volunteer.
New Business
•Fred suggested an event that would feature Tribes Hill members covering other Tribes Hill members maybe between Solstice and the Annual Meeting. His idea was well received. Additionally it was suggested this event could generate a Tribes Hill songbook and or cd and that this might be a great idea to bring to the Westchester Council For the Arts space.
•Rick would like to create a Tribes Hill Library of cds. He suggested the "price" of borrowing a cd would be a brief review, just a few short lines about the cd.
Mission Statement report by Janice
•Janice felt now was not the right time for addressing the mission statement so she is suspending the committee.
•Cindy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Mary Beth Kean
Ruth Post
Susan Kane
Bill Wisnowski
Matt Turk
Mike Morris
Joe Cromwell
Barb Prisament
Cindy Cromwell
Janice Rost
Rick Rock
Madhumita Chakrabartti
James Durst
Fred Gillen Jr.
Steve Kirkman
Carl Knobloch
Robin Halpin
Andrew Craig
Susan called the meeting to order. James moved to accept minutes. Ruth seconded. Motion carried.
•Susan reminded everyone to "feed the pig" and everyone applauded the meal.
•Ruth presented a new idea in the form of a two-part motion (part one) that each year at the annual meeting we honor someone from the community who embodies the spirit of Tribes Hill with an honorary lifetime membership as we did several years ago with Pete Seeger. And (part two) she suggested John Platt for this year.
•A discussion followed. It was suggested that it might not be every year or that some years we may want to honor more than one person. It was suggested we take time to think about additional nominees. Others asserted that more of the membership should be able to participate in the process rather than deciding at the meeting where few members are present. It was suggested we could ask members at the annual meeting to think about suggestions for next year.
•James seconded the first part of the motion.
•Susan read the Mission Statement then called for a vote on part one. Motion was carried unanimously.
•Carl seconded the second part of the motion. Additional discussion followed.
It was suggested that a committee be formed to establish a protocol. It was suggested that perhaps the "protocol" is as spontaneous as it has been with our award to Pete and this suggested award to John Platt. It was asked if there is anyone else we might consider for this year other than John Platt.
Toshi Reagan was suggested. Rick asserted that he felt who ever we honor should be someone who has had direct contact with Tribes Hill.
•The vote was called. The motion carried unanimously.
•Brief discussion followed regarding a suggested gift packet to include a t-shirt, compilation CD, perhaps a certificate.
•Susan will contact John Platt to invite him to the event and let him know of our intention to honor him with a lifetime membership.
Treasurer's Report from Madhumita
Our balance from our last bank statement was $1700. Since then we have deposited grant money ($2000) and petty cash (~$300) and we have written checks for Slab Media and a down payment to secure the Tarrytown Music Hall for the Westchester's Greatest Hits show and the Solstice show.
Annual meeting Committee Report from Carl
•Andy Craig will take on the responsibility of Grounds Team Leader because Fred will be away on tour.
•Carl asked to be kept apprised of the need for new parts for the tent.
•Iris will be in charge of Stage and Sound. She has sound people. Carl questioned whether or not she would need additional volunteers for stage management and open mic. A brief discussion followed and all agreed her attention should be on sound and that she would need to find someone to emcee the open mic and manage the stage.
•Volunteer positions to be filled will be posted on the web site and an email will be sent out this week.
Clearwater report from Bill
•There was not enough lead-time to get anything set up for this year. Bill will be volunteering this year and he will make a point to begin the process to set up something for next year.
Westchester's Greatest Hits report from Rick
•We have received the grant money and the contracts from Tarrytown Music Hall. The show will begin at 3:00pm. Ruth is working on an advertising/sponsorship letter, which may also be used as a Press Release. An invitation for submissions from our member artists will go out soon. Gandalf and Sloan will headline. They will each do one original song and one cover. Other participating artists will be invited to do a cover only. We intend to sell ads and have a benefactor page. Ruth asked everyone to begin thinking about organizations the committee (once established) can approach for either of these 2 categories.
Tribes Hill Presents report by Ruth
•Three categories of shows were defined by the committee they are
1) Tribes Hill Production-"Tribes Hill Presents" These concerts are created and produced by Tribes Hill and are intended to further and be in the spirit of the Tribes Hill Mission Statement. Our annual solstice concert would be an example.
2) Tribes Hill Kindred Folk Concerts encourage/require artists working together in a collaborative effort. These types of concerts are also intended to further and be in the spirit of the Tribes Hill Mission Statement.
3) Tribes Hill Artist Showcases are performance opportunities for Tribes Hill artists that don't necessarily require any collaboration, but utilize Tribes Hill resources.
•Ruth suggested that at this time financial arrangements remain fluid and be considered on a case-by-case basis. She also suggested we create a kit with information that could provide support for anyone trying to produce any one of the three different kinds of events. The following for instance may be included;
sample press release, sample contract, sample Flyers/Posters, email lists, venue contact information, available sound techs, insurance information, refreshment suggestions, list of members willing to volunteer.
New Business
•Fred suggested an event that would feature Tribes Hill members covering other Tribes Hill members maybe between Solstice and the Annual Meeting. His idea was well received. Additionally it was suggested this event could generate a Tribes Hill songbook and or cd and that this might be a great idea to bring to the Westchester Council For the Arts space.
•Rick would like to create a Tribes Hill Library of cds. He suggested the "price" of borrowing a cd would be a brief review, just a few short lines about the cd.
Mission Statement report by Janice
•Janice felt now was not the right time for addressing the mission statement so she is suspending the committee.
•Cindy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned.