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Saturday, September 3, 2022

8 pm to 11 pm

Peekskill, NY

The Trike (Fred Gillen Jr Electric Trio)

47 Water Street Peekskill, NY

phone: (914) 734-2337

Website: The Peekskill Brewery

The Trike Fred Gillen Jr Electric Trio
John Banrock: bass guitar, synthesizer, and vocals
Fred Gillen Jr: electric guitar, harmonica, lead vocals
Paul JM: drums, vocals
Rock versions of Fred Gillen Jr songs, some new songs co-written by the whole band, and some classic oddball cover songs (The Clash, Midnight Oil, Talking Heads, etc,,,)
Reserve a table for only $20! (proceeds go to the band.) Go to "Live music" at the brewery website and click on "reservations."

Outdoors, weather-permitting. Indoors if rain or tornadoes. If in doubt call the brewery.

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