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Solstice Show 2006

Solstice Show Thank You

Dear Tribes Hill members and supporters,

Once again we coalesced collectively to present a vibrant and diverse program of songs celebrating the solstice. Our offering of varied interfaith musical selections was rich and uplifting. I ask you, where else can you get songs reflective of Christian, Jewish and Pagan, Latin, African and German, traditional and contemporary, folk and popular, and not one, but TWO kinds of Indian music--Asian and Native American?! And more!

Each and every performance contributed significantly to the overall success of the program, and I thank you sincerely.

If we could do anything differently next year, I feel it would be to 1) begin our planning a bit earlier, 2) get in just a little more rehearsal in order that folks might feel more secure in their parts, 3) promote the event more effectively, and 4) explore the possibility of taking the event to additional venues.

It's a wonderful concert and more folks should be made aware of it in order that they might choose to attend. To that end, I hope that if we have among us any with ideas and/or expertise in the areas of promotion and marketing, that you'll step up in time for our 2007 event.

I wish each and every one of you a celebratory season and a healthful and rewarding year ahead.

We have a big year upcoming, with a lot happening.

Next meeting is scheduled for January 8.

See you there,

James Durst
President, Tribes Hill