Business Meeting Minutes
2009 Annual Meeting
Monday, October 12, 2009
2009 Annual Meeting Minutes
Bill Wisnowski, Vice President called the meeting to order.
Cindy Cromwell motioned to accept 2008 Annual Meeting Minutes. Eric Puente seconded.
The minutes were accepted by acclaim.
Bill introduced Rick Rock, Director.
It has become a tradition each year to honor someone from our community who we feel embodies the spirit of Tribes Hill with an honorary lifetime Tribes Hill membership. Rick reminded us of past recipients, Pete Seeger and John Platt. He was very happy to introduce this year's recipient Richard Cuccaro of Acoustic Live.
Members applauded Richard who began by thanking Tribes Hill for the honor.
He showed the cover of the most recent issue of Acoustic Live and shared with us a story of his beginnings. In 1997 he took over the management of fast folk cafe in tribeca as a volunteer. Jack Hardy had looked for a place to start a cafe but he couldn't have a career and keep the cafe.
Richard took tickets, refurbished the cafe, and met lots of people and impressive artists.
After about 2 years he moved on but he wanted to give something back to the community. Acoustic Live was born. The monthly listing of local shows gave him an opportunity to write about musicians including artists David Van Ronk, Pete Seeger, Gillen and Turk, and newer artists the general populous doesn't hear about. Richard was on the ground floor with Tribes Hill members of Red Molly and Anthony Dacosta. Over the years his publication has grown in the number of venues listed and subscribers. Richard hosts showcases in front of the Acoustic Live tent at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival as well as Guerilla Showcases at NERFA. He has made wonderful friends through his work. He is impressed with Rick Rock's ability to pull people together to support each other and he expressed pride in following Platt and Pete Seeger as a lifetime member. Richard said, "It is an honor".
Members again applauded Richard.
Bill continued the meeting by reading a statement from our President Susan Kane who was unable to attend the meeting. Her comments follow.
Tribesmen and women! I am so sorry I can't be there today. But I wanted to let everyone know how honored I am to be among this group.
I looked at my notes for last year's meeting, which included our goals for 2008...and I am happy to say that we not only met them, but we exceeded them. With the great success of the Songbook Show at the Arts Exchange, and the upcoming Riversongs project, we have a lot to be proud of, and lot of exciting challenges to look forward to. In addition to Riversongs, we have a grant application into the Target Foundation for a children's songwriting project, and the compilation CD is underway. And I think everyone will agree that reducing the number of formal business meetings has not negatively affected organizational matters, while our monthly song circles seem rejuvenated and more inspired.
The success of our projects and the ongoing vitality of the Tribe depends on the involvement of the Tribes Hill community, so in addition to joining today or renewing your membership, I hope everyone will get actively involved in our projects. We also need members to continue to join the board and eventually step up to officer positions. As John Platt stated so eloquently at last year's meeting, we are "role model to support and nurture talent... In our little corner we share compassion, generosity and trust. Eliza Gilkyson has spoken of bards and troubadours carrying forward the memory of the tribe and the sacredness of the word---let's keep it coming!! Sing, sing sing!!!!
Bill continued the meeting. He explained, following the Treasurer's report, we will renew sitting board members and welcome new members to the board. He reminded members to be an officer you must be on the board for one year. We expect the current officers to retain their positions for the coming year because no one has stepped up expressing interest in taking on a position.
Next year we would like to have new officers. All the current officers have been in their positions for at least 3 years. Bill encouraged members with a desire to be an officer to join the board this year.
Madhumita Chakrabartti, Treasurer gave us good news in the Treasurer's Report. We have more money in our account than we have ever had. About 40% of approximately $7500 has been allocated for a cd compilation, the libraries fund, and our October River Songs show. We recently applied for another $3000 grant. Applying for grants is good for the Tribes Hill community. We had 115 members for 2008/2009. The Final report will be filed when our fiscal year ends July 1.
Madhumita encouraged anyone who hasn't joined yet today to please do so. She reminded members dues are $15 for individual and $25 for a family band or duo.
Bill continued the meeting inviting the sitting board to come to the stage.
Current board members:
James Durst
Madhumita Chakrabartti, Treasurer
Mary Beth Kean, Secretary
Joe Cromwell
Carl Knobloch
Mike Morris
Steve Kirkman
Cindy Cromwell
Iris Cohen
Bill Wisnowski, Vice President
Pete Tamburinni
Janice Rost
Fred Gillen Jr
(Board member Matt Turk and President Susan Kane were not present at the meeting.)
Bill invited any members who would like to join the board to come to the stage.
The following members introduced themselves:
Barb Prisament
Jay Mafale,
Joe Duraes
Eric Puente
James made a motion to accept the new board members. Iris seconded. New members were accepted by acclaim.
Bill encouraged members to buy compilation cds to use as promotion at gigs. We have a special deal $2 each. He suggested we spread them across the country like Johnny Apple seed.
James moved to adjourn, Iris seconded, the motion was accepted.
Meeting adjourned.
Bill Wisnowski, Vice President called the meeting to order.
Cindy Cromwell motioned to accept 2008 Annual Meeting Minutes. Eric Puente seconded.
The minutes were accepted by acclaim.
Bill introduced Rick Rock, Director.
It has become a tradition each year to honor someone from our community who we feel embodies the spirit of Tribes Hill with an honorary lifetime Tribes Hill membership. Rick reminded us of past recipients, Pete Seeger and John Platt. He was very happy to introduce this year's recipient Richard Cuccaro of Acoustic Live.
Members applauded Richard who began by thanking Tribes Hill for the honor.
He showed the cover of the most recent issue of Acoustic Live and shared with us a story of his beginnings. In 1997 he took over the management of fast folk cafe in tribeca as a volunteer. Jack Hardy had looked for a place to start a cafe but he couldn't have a career and keep the cafe.
Richard took tickets, refurbished the cafe, and met lots of people and impressive artists.
After about 2 years he moved on but he wanted to give something back to the community. Acoustic Live was born. The monthly listing of local shows gave him an opportunity to write about musicians including artists David Van Ronk, Pete Seeger, Gillen and Turk, and newer artists the general populous doesn't hear about. Richard was on the ground floor with Tribes Hill members of Red Molly and Anthony Dacosta. Over the years his publication has grown in the number of venues listed and subscribers. Richard hosts showcases in front of the Acoustic Live tent at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival as well as Guerilla Showcases at NERFA. He has made wonderful friends through his work. He is impressed with Rick Rock's ability to pull people together to support each other and he expressed pride in following Platt and Pete Seeger as a lifetime member. Richard said, "It is an honor".
Members again applauded Richard.
Bill continued the meeting by reading a statement from our President Susan Kane who was unable to attend the meeting. Her comments follow.
Tribesmen and women! I am so sorry I can't be there today. But I wanted to let everyone know how honored I am to be among this group.
I looked at my notes for last year's meeting, which included our goals for 2008...and I am happy to say that we not only met them, but we exceeded them. With the great success of the Songbook Show at the Arts Exchange, and the upcoming Riversongs project, we have a lot to be proud of, and lot of exciting challenges to look forward to. In addition to Riversongs, we have a grant application into the Target Foundation for a children's songwriting project, and the compilation CD is underway. And I think everyone will agree that reducing the number of formal business meetings has not negatively affected organizational matters, while our monthly song circles seem rejuvenated and more inspired.
The success of our projects and the ongoing vitality of the Tribe depends on the involvement of the Tribes Hill community, so in addition to joining today or renewing your membership, I hope everyone will get actively involved in our projects. We also need members to continue to join the board and eventually step up to officer positions. As John Platt stated so eloquently at last year's meeting, we are "role model to support and nurture talent... In our little corner we share compassion, generosity and trust. Eliza Gilkyson has spoken of bards and troubadours carrying forward the memory of the tribe and the sacredness of the word---let's keep it coming!! Sing, sing sing!!!!
Bill continued the meeting. He explained, following the Treasurer's report, we will renew sitting board members and welcome new members to the board. He reminded members to be an officer you must be on the board for one year. We expect the current officers to retain their positions for the coming year because no one has stepped up expressing interest in taking on a position.
Next year we would like to have new officers. All the current officers have been in their positions for at least 3 years. Bill encouraged members with a desire to be an officer to join the board this year.
Madhumita Chakrabartti, Treasurer gave us good news in the Treasurer's Report. We have more money in our account than we have ever had. About 40% of approximately $7500 has been allocated for a cd compilation, the libraries fund, and our October River Songs show. We recently applied for another $3000 grant. Applying for grants is good for the Tribes Hill community. We had 115 members for 2008/2009. The Final report will be filed when our fiscal year ends July 1.
Madhumita encouraged anyone who hasn't joined yet today to please do so. She reminded members dues are $15 for individual and $25 for a family band or duo.
Bill continued the meeting inviting the sitting board to come to the stage.
Current board members:
James Durst
Madhumita Chakrabartti, Treasurer
Mary Beth Kean, Secretary
Joe Cromwell
Carl Knobloch
Mike Morris
Steve Kirkman
Cindy Cromwell
Iris Cohen
Bill Wisnowski, Vice President
Pete Tamburinni
Janice Rost
Fred Gillen Jr
(Board member Matt Turk and President Susan Kane were not present at the meeting.)
Bill invited any members who would like to join the board to come to the stage.
The following members introduced themselves:
Barb Prisament
Jay Mafale,
Joe Duraes
Eric Puente
James made a motion to accept the new board members. Iris seconded. New members were accepted by acclaim.
Bill encouraged members to buy compilation cds to use as promotion at gigs. We have a special deal $2 each. He suggested we spread them across the country like Johnny Apple seed.
James moved to adjourn, Iris seconded, the motion was accepted.
Meeting adjourned.