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Business Meeting Minutes



George Gierer, President
Mike Rock, Vice President
Tom Morgan, Treasurer
Janice Arlene Rost, Secretary/Administrative Manager

Carter Smith
Di Morgan
Iris Cohen
Pete Tamburrini
Judy Kass
Steve Scholle
Gannett Ries
Larry Kolker
Julia Bordenaro Levin
Ira Levin
Susan Kane
Elaine Romanelli
Danny Noy

Rick Rock, Advisor
Mary Beth Kean


Peter Shafran
Barb Prisament
Ted Berkowitz
Pat Taylor


CALL TO ORDER: by President at 7:22 pm; Mission Statement read later
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: 9/16/13 minutes accepted (Tom motions)
FINANCES: Tom reads his Treasurer’s Report as of 1/13/14
Opening checkbook balance – 10/1/2013:  $2,714.09
Pig, Lyndhurst donations and sales  $890.00
Winter Solstice Party and Concert  $905.00
Party - $151
Ticket sales - $615
Food - $101
Donations - $10
CD sales - $10
Pig - $33
Carter (-$15)
Church hall rental (Solstice party)  $300.00
Sound (Lyndhurst)  $300.00
Web hosting    $54.00
Supplies    $30.00
Arts Westchester Membership  $100.00
Total  $784.00

Ending checkbook balance – 12/31/20013$3,779.00

GRANTS: Steve is waiting to hear from Arts Westchester re grant for…
SONG WRITING WORKSHOP SERIES: Steve has lineup of guest teachers; workshops are for general public; announce to libraries - first Greenburgh, also Unitarian Fellowship if approved. For a $3,200. grant, we must raise matching funds, and have money for teachers and rentals. Board thinks this a great idea. We raise money from tuition money. Must recruit general public with focus on students, teenagers. Purple Crayon tried it before a concert. Pitch it as SummerSongs does. It can be one or series.  Steve will ask for help when needed.

T SHIRT CONTEST: Judy reached out to some teachers; got no response. Would like to get it done soon; reach out to next pool of talent. Contact Phil Levine teacher at Irvington school district (knows Larry). Mike wants to get some T-shirts soon for next show. George thinks membership comes up with design, Rick likes.  Julia says ? Carter: use college students as they do for Take Me to the River. Rick: encourage HS students on membership list. Danny: Let them come up with a terrific song that TH will sing or produce. Elaine: why reach out? Use old shirts and tie dye them.

MEMBERSHIP: Janice: 601 on list; wants to get bugs out of website list so it can be used better; difficult and inaccurate to sort, search, etc.

COMMITTEES: Discussion: Di: committees meet once or twice a year.  Larry: Each committee can decide how to work most effectively.  Gannett: will help on website committee. Ira: decide tonight when committee to meet. Leader determines how it moves forward. Julia: need protocol for each committee so head does not need to take on much responsibility. Di: Are we a team? Elaine: shared that she got kicked off a committee; she was not there to read emails; George asks if she wants to come back on. Susan reviews history culture of committee work projects. Judy: head puts out what is expected. Ira: have list of members ask how you want to contacted. Gannet: head calls shots. George: Yes; wants off Publicity committee. Iris: noticed in past, sent email asking what do you want to do and got no response; this time, delegated it which worked. Gannett: will respond to that. Julia: sometimes need three four heads to do the job; important to have some sort of protocol. Danny: got idea from Gannett that members send email to say here is something I am good at. Elaine: board decides what committee does. Larry: committee initiates. Tom: committee needs a charge with something; board appropriate to make charge. Take notes on committee and act on notes. And follow up to see if done (food for thought). Rick: if committee did report at all meetings. Janice: gave synopsis of idea she proposed months back to George re committees reporting and follow-up system.  Rick: reports two weeks prior to meeting.  

PUBLICITY: Needs head. Di did publicity on her own for Solstice; Carter also. George: delete Publicity Committee and have publicity done by committees. Elaine: needs press list. Head? Elaine will head press list. Larry supports Elaine. Janice: ask board members to send in what we already have. Gannett: website needs to match publicity. The Publicity Committee consisting of Barb, George, Gannett, Di, Peter is “deleted”.

WEBSITE: Rick reports: Slab Media site Administrator, Jim, cleaned up Photo Gallery. Rick’s idea is to rotate assignments of updates for newsletters, front page, news items, gallery, with everyone (committee) accountable for something on a monthly basis. A 2013 TH Digital Retrospective for Soundcloud/Bandcamp - under TH Presents, post ‘Best Of’ music compilation on website, like a CD but do not go to press with it. Website is a hub; reflects what is happening. This committee will meet in Feb. Iris, now in charge of FB, need to work on actual page (now hidden).

MEMBERSHIP: Janice reports: 603 members per site; do we need more TH business cards? Response “No.”; remind Rick to send logo for next batch when needed; Gannett will send  

GATHERINGS: Janice reports: difficulties in securing Lake Katonah Clubhouse, so decided to explore options for new venue with better location, availability, setup and affordable fee; secured All Saints Episcopal Church Hall in Briarcliff. Thanked Julia for help in planning. We had a successful Holiday gathering in December with over 60 (members and a few new to TH) attending. Most rsvp’d as requested; food contributions were reviewed to create a variety, creating a banquet with leftovers. Music for Solstice rehearsed and enjoyed. Future Gatherings have hosts thru May.

LYNDHURST: Di has call in to Laura; George: excellence proposal - do it again or not, if stage in same location we get double last year’s fee, or move us to more visible location like Food Court for same fee; maybe with time 1-6pm. If neither we move on. Last year some cds sold; sparse patrons.
TH FOLK FESTIVAL:  Larry: he and George worked on where to have Festival; they looked at Peekskill waterfront and learned that if state property, need a license, permit, etc. Larry has relationship with John Jay Homestead (Rte 22, Katonah); they seem to be interested. Jennifer is interested in music festival in conjunction with their Food Market – market ends then evolves into festival. Maybe in late spring, early summer, or September, harvest time; natural amphitheater on large property.

NERFA: TH had no presence there; table vacant a lot. Carter should share table.

MISC. Discussions include:
- Sonic Bids and Reverb Nation.  
- Sound Equipment: Carl Knoblock has power speaker, Berringer sound system with PA, and wants to donate it to TH; give him donation? Pete will pick up in Danbury. We also need our own good equipment. Pete made list of all we have. Need and power speakers. Shopped around – can get new about $1,100; votes to buy from Carvin. Need something that is flexible for indoor, outdoor, etc. Pete will send link to board for review; Elaine also investigates. Then board votes.
-Secretary was asked to get minutes done sooner; responds does not think so; will try.  
-T-Shirts: MaryBeth asks for help tie dying t-shirts.
- Steve asks – if do not get grant, what is next step; private donation? Rick says he will figure it out, cannot use TH money, can raise money. Maybe TH Presents in March may be able to contribute money from that.

ANNUAL MEETING/PICNIC/FUNDRAISER: Schedule date for Sat or Sunday, 6/7 or 8 discussed. Rick: needs complete breakdown of setup before they leave next day. Vote for Sat. 6/7/14.  Rick: asks if any ideas for honorary member this year; suggests we give some thought. Discussed: possible guest speakers, documentary, write music dealing with environment or more community oriented, more fun; have a Pete Seeger big party, not political statement

ADJOURNMENT: Elaine motions, George seconds’ motion accepted
CLOSING: at 9:05 pm