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Business Meeting Minutes


Members Present

Joe Cromwell
Madhumita Chakrabartti
Rick Rock
Cindy Cromwell
Mike Morris
James Durst
Catherine Miles
Jay Mafale
Eric Puente
Susan Kane
Janice Rost
Carl Knobloch
Iris Cohen
Pete Tamburrini
Rick Anheman
Barbara Prisament
William Wisnowski
Fred Gillen Jr.
Curtis Scmidt
Mary Beth Kean
Michael Kornfeld (by phone)

8:30 Susan called the meeting to order.
She asked we give applause to Cindy for dinner and "please feed the pig".
-Cindy moved to accept minutes. Pete seconded. Minutes accepted with corrections.
Correct spelling of Fred's name
-Madhumita will give Treasurer's Report on Saturday at the Annual Meeting.

Officers Needed
-Susan will be stepping down as President and moving to Treasurer. Madhumita has held the position longer than anyone else has held any position and we applauded her for her contribution.
-Pete has expressed willingness to take on position of Vice President
-Matt has expressed interest in taking on the position of President.
-We still need a Secretary
-Mary Beth motioned to define the duties of the position of Secretary to be to keep and post minutes for the 4 yearly business meetings and the annual meeting and to keep track of records, to create a new position or assign to an existing position the duty of maintaining membership records, and to create a new position to respond to or forward emails sent through "contact us" on the web site and to update and keep the web site content current.
-Discussion began with a question regarding the meaning of "keep records".
-Keeping records entails, knowing the physical location of the different records, for instance who has or where is current membership roster or financial records.
-Technology position could be called Communications
-We could have multiple Vice Presidents for instance Vice President of Communications or Vice President of Membership
-Individuals who hold these positions should reach out to other members to build committees or a support team to complete their tasks. They should have a back up person.
-Janice indicated interest and more willingness to take on a more clearly defined Secretarial position.
-Bill expressed interested in the Membership position. He has been interested in taking on a more active role with membership in order to get more people involved. He reluctantly agreed to keep the dues and membership records.
-Iris seconded motion the motion. Motion was accepted.
-We still need to fill the position to address the necesecities of the web. We could reach out to our membership. The need to fill this position should be included in the last email reminder for the annual meeting to our members
-Fred motioned to amend previous motion and assign the responsibility of answering questions through the web site to the position of Vice President.
Eric seconded. Motion carried.

Compilation CD
-Susan reported that the Compilation Cd will be completed and delivered this week.
-She acknowledged contributions of great music, great jobs and great graphics (by Jeffrey).
-This cd will not be a give away at NERFA.
-It is a double CD, which will be for sale.
-It was agreed we should consider sending some free cds to radio list
James will coordinate this effort with the help of Fred, Susan, and Jay.

Tarrytown Music Hall
Rick and Catherine have negotiated a resolution with Tarrytown Music Hall
They have given us an indefinite credit of $1500 toward the cost of putting on a show there (total cost $3000)
-Maybe a big show with a "big draw name "
-If you have ideas share them.
-Janice asked the best way to share new ideas. If someone wants to have something put on the agenda for discussion like a new idea they should speak with an officer and ask to have it put on the agenda in advance of the meeting.
-James would like us to think about more lead time for events specifically the Solstice.
I suggested James take on the role of Committee leader for that event now 6 months in advance.
-Rick reminded us of our previous discussion regarding Solstice for next year (refer to previous month minutes) and indicated something at Beczak is not likely.
-James suggested we hold the event a bit earlier and call it simply a Holiday show. All members seemed to be in agreement. James agreed to take the lead. A committee was formed. Rick volunteered.

Paulies in Pleasantville
-Wants us to put on a "Tribes Hill Presents" event the same day as the Pleasantville Music Festival.
-They want us to provide a flyer for the event.
-Iris, Pete, and Rick agreed to take this on and put the show together.
-Paulies will not charge an admission fee but they will "pass a hat" for the musicians. It was suggested that all the musicians should encourage the audience to throw money in the hat. Value for value.
-It was undecided if or how artists might sell their CDs at this event.

Falcon Ridge
-We got Mike Kornfeld on the line for Falcon Ridge discussion.
-We are relocating our spot this year so we can do more and have less mud.
-Carl, Jay, Catherine, Barb, Rick, and I indicated we were planning to be there.
-We are confident that we can have our music all through the night. We are not relocating to the "designated quiet zone".
-We might do some invitational component as part of our traditional song circle.
-We were unclear if we would be able to arrive early to claim the space we want.
-Rick, Carl, Jay and Mike K formed a committee.
-We dropped the call with Mike.

-Eric, with Jay and Rick looked closely at the web site, discussed possibilities with Slab Media and came up with a propsal which includes the following changes
-A new graphic lay out for the pages (Eric showed layout of design)
-Changing our current calendar to a "calendar at a glance"
-Creating a members only loggin area for access to Bulletin board postings
-Redesigning gallery, listen, and play pages.
-We will be able to test the site for a month or so before it launches.
-Slab media is asking for $1175.00
-Iris motioned to accept proposal and changes to site and budget and spend the money for it as soon as we have it. Bill seconded.
-We discussed money. We should have enough after the Annual Meeting.
-Motion carried.

Bill reminded us about Nerfa and volunteered to take on position

Annual Meeting set up Friday evening 6:30

We had several names for Honorary member. We settled on Catherine Michaels from WHUD
James moved, Carl seconded, Motion accepted.

We need contributions for raffle basket please bring cd. We will include a pair of tickets for an Urban H2O show.

Cindy moved to adjourn Madhumita seconded Motion accepted.
Meeting adjourned 10:00.