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Business Meeting Minutes



Fredrick Rock, Executive Director
Iris Cohen, Assistant Director

Pete Tamburrini, Vice President
Janice Rost, Secretary

Madhumita Chakrabartti
James Durst
Curt Schmidt
Cindy Cromwell
Jay Mafale
Fred Gillen Jr
Mike Morris
Mary Beth Kean
Joe Cromwell

Matt Turk, President
Susan Kane, Treasurer

Carl Knobloch
Phil Dollard
Eric Puente
Barb Prisament
Mark Miller
Bill Wisnowski
Steve Kirkman
Mike Kornfeld

Mark Miller, Urban H20

BOARD MEMBERS RESIGNED (to be in accordance with Bylaws capacity):
Andy Craig
Joe Duraes
Lara Herscovitch
Rick Anheman

VP, Pete, called meeting to order at 8;36 pm. Members present signed in.

Previous Minutes (March 2011) reviewed. Motion by James to accept; Cindy seconds; minutes accepted.

Vice President presided with his agenda as follows:

Treasurer’s Report: In absentia of Susan, Madhumita reads Treasurer’s report…
“As of 3/1/11 TH had 2,526.96 in cash with combined Bank and Paypal balances; this does not include petty cash on hand at Hammond House.
    Since 7/1/10, the beginning of our fiscal year, we have collected a net of $414.54 in membership from the Paypal account (the amount is odd because it is net of Paypal’s commission). This is in addition to the roughly $1,200 collected relating to last June’s annual meeting. I would expect that this source will diminish significantly as we moved to the due-less membership model.
    For the year so far, we have booked income of $3,354, and incurred expenses of $2,424 for net income of $930. Main income sources were memberships, donations, the Solstice Show and compilation CD sales. Major expenses included expenditures on upgrading the website, and our annual dues to Folk Alliance.
    For now, everything is pretty copasetic!!!”
Motion by Curtis to accept; James seconds; report accepted

Board Members: recognizing we should only have 21 board members (including Officers), we asked four members to step down; Lara, Rick A., Joe, and Andy agreed. Discussions included length of membership and needing a quorum of 14 to vote (having less present calls were made for permission to proxy). Jay moves to accept; James seconds; we vote in favor by all.
    We need to change bylaws at annual meeting regarding membership quota,  no dues, benefit levels (if any, definition, etc); we need a bylaw amendment - for the purposes of amending bylaws, MaryBeth moves to amend general membership as currently defined; Iris seconds; motion accepted. New Bylaws Revision Committee formed (James, Curtis, MaryBeth, Iris) who will edit and present at Annual Meeting.

Folk Alliance: Jay reports this as a case study. Matt took lead for TH segment; small attendance numbers, yet very attentive audience included John Platt; we handed out postcards, brochures and sang songs. A panel discussion included many Tribes Hill members who shared what TH meant to them. This seems like a good model for future, especially at NERFA; we are pleased to hear that Arlan Bennett has used TH as a model. Matt was very well prepared and delivered.  This is a good venue to continue attending and promoting TH; we appreciate our alliance with FA.
Discussed mini NERFA in Boston.

Solstice: Rick reports it was a great success, a good joint venture with Beczak; TH made $450.00; saw new and familiar faces in attendance and saw good performances. Carl did great job with stage manager.
    Discussion followed re pros and cons of this type of venue where food and talk are happening at same time as performances. Ideas to reduce sound blend included announcements about respect, room dividers, and child care.
    We planned to continue next year with Katonah Lake House venue rehearsal party on 12/5/11 and perform at Beczak on 12/18 - James moves to accept, Iris seconds; motion accepted.

Business Meeting Dates: We set these meetings for the third Monday of month - annual meeting 6/12/11; others 9/19/11, 1/16/12, 4/16/12, 6/10/12 (tentative)
James moves to accept, Fred seconds; motion accepted.

Annual Meeting: Discussed committee formation, honorary member, themes and performers.
    Rick wants folks to come to Hammond House on Saturday after Beczak's Friday nite Fund raiser to prepare for Annual Meeting - setup song circle, tents, etc.
We close show with Eddie Denise's Band “Set to Stun.” The TH Songbook segment of the afternoon will be a tribute to Jack Hardy who recently passed away; we’ll ask folks to learn his songs, and TH songs. This tribute will attract attendance of Jack’s NYC friends. We choose Jack Hardy for posthumous Honoree and Lisa Grey for Honorary Member.  Janice moves to nominate Lisa; Jay seconds; motion accepted.  
Committees: Sound: Pete, Iris, Grounds: Mike, Fred, Rick, Welcome/Donation Table: Janice, Jay, Food: Madhumita, Cindy.

Falcon Ridge: like o continue as last year, location permits music throughout day
Committees: Mike Kornfield to head, with Rick and assorted other attendees.

New Ideas:
Two benefits with proceeds for victims of Japan’s earthquake. Jay suggests a TH benefit concert at Tarrytown Music Hall. Rick’s idea is for “TH Karaoke nite at Paulies Place.” The best time of year so as not to conflict was discussed.
Committee: Jay, who suggests using “Crash Course Karaoke” by Alan Bigelow which we will consider in future.
“Brainstorming” meetings to be scheduled in future. (Post meeting discussion, Rick, Janice, to change name of Directions Committee to “Dreamweaver’s Retreat to meet once a year before Annual Meeting.)

Iris suggests a FAQ section on website.

Cindy moves to adjourn meeting, MaryBeth seconds; meeting adjourned at 10:20 pm.